Fullerton Health及其供应商在暗网上出售患者数据后被罚款 Fullerton Health and its suppliers have been fined after selling patient data on the dark web


Fulton Health Group and its supplier were fined S$68,000 for hacking the supplier's servers, resulting in customer data being sold on a dark web forum in 2021.

超过15万名Fullerton Health的患者以及公司客户的员工受到了此次泄密事件的影响。
More than 150,000 Fullerton Health patients, as well as employees of the company's customers, were affected by the leak.

The affected data includes financial details such as identity numbers, phone numbers, bank account numbers and codes, as well as health information.

Fullerton Health被罚款5.8万新元,而帮助为Fullerton Health的患者预约的社会企业Agape Connecting People Holdings被罚款1万新元。
Fullerton Health was fined S$58,000, while Agape Connecting People Holdings, a social enterprise that helped book appointments for Fullerton Health's patients, was fined S$10,000.

在周四(6月22日)发布的书面判决中,个人数据保护委员会(PDPC)发现,Fullerton Health无意中向Agape披露了供应商没有要求的个人数据,从而使情况变得更糟。
In a written judgment released on Thursday (June 22), the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) found that Fullerton Health had inadvertently made the situation worse by inadvertently disclosing personal data to Agape that the supplier had not requested.

The PDPC added that the healthcare provider ultimately also has a responsibility to conduct due diligence and reasonable regulation of Agape.


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